The Port of Southampton is one of the UK’s busiest ports, handling exports in excess of £40 billion per year.
Installing our IoT technology to create a Smart Port.
We installed our AMR technology on 200+ water meters across ABP Southampton site. The project has established a secure Low Powered Wider Area Network (LPWAN) using three Private Network Gateways on site which securely collect hourly Automatic Meter Reading data from all water meters on site.
Live consumption and accurate monthly tenant billing
Since completion of the project, ABP have been able to:
Accurately bill tenants
Understand site usage and consumption
Locate unmetered points and losses of water (and revenue)
Identify underground water leakage
Our AMR technology has been able to provide ABP with accurate and up-to-date data, enabling them to quickly detect and resolve leakage and wastage and help their business to become more sustainable.
Saving thousands in leakage, wastage and un-metered supplies
Within days of installation, we were able to detect several potential large scale non-visible leaks through our Fusion Portal. This led to follow up site surveys and audits, finding a number of unmetered supplies which had the potential to recover thousands of pounds for ABP. One leak we were able to identify will save ABP around £100K every year.
The consumption data will be used by ABP Ports to forecast water consumption and costs, as well as providing accurate billing to the Port’s tenants.
With the Port now able to view their consumption data, they will be able to monitor and implement strategic business changes to reduce water usage and monitor the results.
Going forward there are opportunities to consider if ABP want to control their network remotely. The Port could consider integrating our wireless smart valves that can shut off leaks remotely within minutes after having received an alert from our Portal.